Why babysitting is a good career track

Babysitting is a popular, high-in-demand job and has many advantages. Here are five reasons why babysitting is a good career track!

  1. Flexibility

    • Babysitting is a great job for those who have a busy schedule or are still in school. It allows you to work part-time or on an as-needed basis, giving you the flexibility to balance work and other commitments.

    • Sitters that work with Helpr can take bookings as they work with their schedule and don’t have an obligation to accept jobs that don’t work for them!

  1. Develops responsibility

    • Babysitting requires a high level of responsibility as you are entrusted with the care of children. This job can help you develop important skills such as time management, problem-solving, and decision-making.

  2. Builds trust and relationships

    • Babysitting is also an opportunity to build trust and relationships with families. When you establish a positive relationship with a family, they are more likely to hire you again and recommend you to others.

    • Working in the care space also helps you develop strong communication and interpersonal skills!

  3. Provides experience for future careers

    • Babysitting can provide valuable experience for those who plan to work with children in the future. This job can help you develop skills in patience and creativity which are essential for many careers such as teaching, counseling, and social work.

  4. Good pay

    • Babysitting can be a lucrative job, especially if you have several families that you work with. 

    • Rates vary depending on your experience, location, and the number of children you are caring for. At Helpr, our pay rates average at $27/hr!

    • Read more about what rate you should charge here!

Babysitting is an excellent job option for those who want flexibility, responsibility, and the opportunity to develop important skills.

If you enjoy working with children and are looking for opportunities, apply to become a sitter with Helpr today!