Kristin - How backup care helped provide trustworthy adult care for her mother across the country

Q: How did Helpr help your family?

After taking time off to help her ailing parent who lived across the country, Kristin approached the HR team at her company. This is where she found out she could use Helpr to care for her mother. Kristin used the Upload Your Own Provider feature and now has a wonderful community of care for her mother to use when needed.

Q: What is the biggest impact you have had from your backup care benefit?

Helpr has taken away a lot of the additional stress that comes from caring for Kristin’s elderly mother. Not only is one dealing with the everyday worries of caregiving, but one is also mentally dealing with a role reversal in which they are now caring for their parents. Helpr physically helped Kristin’s mom by providing care in multiple ways and mentally helped Kristin by taking away the overwhelming pressure that she was feeling. She can now focus on work without worrying how her mom will get to a doctor’s appointment. 

Q: Why should a company consider offering the Helpr benefit?

If Kristin didn’t have subsidized care through work, she wouldn’t have been able to access trusted care so quickly. Helpr’s unique Upload Your Own Provider feature is perfect for distributed workforces and families. It allows families to feel safe and secure no matter where they are in the world. Kristin now feels okay living and working 2,500 miles away from her mother because she has Helpr.

Helpr Team