Steven - How backup care helped with my recover from surgery

Jeremiah took me on a walk to the museum. It was terrific to get out. He helped me navigate the sidewalks and streets and was very protective.” -Steven


Q:  How did Helpr help you?  

Helpr located an exceptional home health care worker who is as much a friend as a support person. Helpr checked into his experience and ability. They cleared him and recommended him. It was a perfect fit

Q:  What is the biggest impact that you have had from Helpr connecting you with your care provider, Jeremiah?

Helpr helped me get through a very difficult recovery period after knee replacement surgery. Luckily for me, Jeremiah had training and many previous experiences helping others recover from similar serious health problems. He helped with my physical therapy, organizing my meds, and shopping when I needed it. I looked forward to his visits as a month of recuperation as rehab can be very isolating.  His visits were always a lift when dealing with the ups and downs of rehabilitation

Q: Why should a company consider offering the Helpr benefit?

This benefit allowed me to recover according to my doctor's schedule. Jeremiah helped keep me stay on track. I think a company would find that their employees would feel grateful that there is a company that offers a supportive and caring hand in times of need. 

Helpr Team